Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: 21st Century:

Representations: Literary Texts:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»Roxane Gay (born October 15, 1974) is an American writer, professor, editor, and social commentator. Gay is the author of The New York Times best-selling essay collection Bad Feminist (2014), as well as the short story collection Ayiti (2011), the novel An Untamed State (2014), the short story collection Difficult Women (2017), and the memoir Hunger (2017).« -- More information: Wikipedia

An Untamed State (Novel, 1994)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»An Untamed State is the debut novel of writer Roxane Gay, first published in 2014 by Grove Atlantic.
Mireille Duval Jameson is born and raised in the United States, her parents are from Haitian descent. Her parents move back to Haiti. While vacationing at her parents' house with her husband and child in Haiti, she is kidnapped. When her father, who by now has become a wealthy Haitian developer, refuses to pay her ransom, she is gang-raped and tortured by her captors, who keep her imprisoned for 13 days before finally releasing her.« -- More information: Wikipedia

K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 21st Century | Geographical Index: American History: Haitian History, U.S. History | Topical Index: Types: Rape / Gang Rape

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Poornima, Manojkumar, et al. »Navigating the Spectrum of Vulnerability and Resilience: Exploration of Women's Vulnerability in Roxane Gay's An Untamed StateInterdisciplinary Research Journal for Humanities 14 (2024): 286-289.

[Info] Roldán-Sevillano, Laura. »The Urgent Activist Role of Contemporary Haitian American Women's Fiction.« Babel - Afial No. 32 (2023): 27-51.

II. Speaker Index
